Why Should I Go to College? Learn More


This is the second  part of a three part series on the benefits of a college degree. Keep checking back for more!

This may not be news to you—but there is a talent shortage in the United States. With the increasing number of baby boomers getting ready to retire, businesses and healthcare facilities are looking for individuals with the education and skills needed to fill these openings. According to the Manpower Group’s annual Talent Shortage survey in 2013, “thirty-five percent of employers on average report having difficulty filling jobs due to a lack of available talent.” But this is not just a problem that affects the United States, but companies across the world. “Globally the number of employers who believe talent shortages will negatively impact their business has increased by nearly a third. In countries where the problem is particularly acute, many employers express even greater levels of concern.” Organizations are desperately seeking out individuals with the skills and training to fill the gaps.

Adult Learners may hold the key

The talent shortage, while an issue for many organizations, could prove to be a unique opportunity for some college graduates, particularly those already with work experience. As the number of online degree programs continues to grow in the US, more adult learners are finding that a degree may just help them be more viable as a job candidate.

Like all military students, Navy officer Michael Krallman, has gained valuable training and experience from serving his country. Now as Michael completes his degree, he is able to plan for his future with both experience and education to help make him competitive in the workforce.  “I am thinking about retiring from the Navy in the next few years. I have many years of management/HR experience and I plan to use my degree to help me transition into the civilian workforce.”

The need for skilled workers coupled with today’s increase in online adult education may be the right combination to fill those gaps in today’s job market. Getting your degree not only provides opportunities for working adult learners to attend school, but also helps them leverage the experience they already have in the workforce.

Michael always wanted to pursue an education, but it wasn’t until recently that he realized what additional opportunities an education could create for him. “I kept thinking ‘I don’t need a degree, I’m already an officer in the Navy,’” Michael said about putting off his education. “As I get closer to retirement I realize that although I have years of experience, I need to finish my college degree to be competitive in the civilian job market.”

Is an online education right for you? Download our free guide to The Online Advantage to find out more! 


Know your plan and get ahead

For the best possible outcome, college students and prospective students need to plan ahead. Here are some tips to planning ahead for college and for leveraging your experience with an education.

  • Determine what program fits you best by understanding your own interests as well as what your future job prospecta are associated with that degree.
  • Decide which college is right for you and what method of delivery fits your lifestyle best. Do you need the Online Advantage, the campus experience or a combination of both?
  • Know your transfer opportunities. Many schools offer transfer credits for your prior learning experience as well as opportunities for credit based on military and job training. Don’t miss out!

Want to know more about why You should go to college? Check out the first part of our series, Earn More: Financial Opportunity.


ManpowerGroup, 2013. Talent Shortage Survey. //www.manpowergroup.us/campaigns/talent-shortage-2013/ 


Online programs for maximum flexibility
NAU students receiving transfer or experiential learning credit
Relevant degree and certificate programs
Years of online educational excellence