Frequently Asked Questions
Q? How can I get more information on National American University Holdings, Inc.?
A. You can get more investor information on National American University Holdings, Inc. by contacting its investor relations firm: The Equity Group, 800 Third Avenue, 36th Floor, New York, NY 10022. Contact at the Equity Group is Adam Prior, Tel: 212-836-9606,
Q? Where is National American University Holdings, Inc.’s corporate headquarters located?
A. Rapid City, South Dakota
Q? When was National American University founded?
A. 1941
Q? In what markets does National American University have campus locations?
A. Multiple locations throughout the central United States
Q? When did National American University Holdings, Inc. become publicly traded?
A. November 23, 2009
Q? Where is National American University Holdings, Inc. common stock traded and what is the ticker symbol?
A. NAUH. It is traded on the OTCQB marketplace.
Q? When does National American University Holdings, Inc.’s fiscal year end?
A. May 31
Q? Who is National American University Holdings, Inc.’s independent auditor?
A. Deloitte & Touche LLP