Master of Management Program
The online Management Master’s Degree (MM) allows you to expand your knowledge and skills base in the area of management. The program will help you develop a well-rounded portfolio of management knowledge, skills, and abilities, along with a holistic view of an organization.
Program specialty areas include Advance Incident and Consequence Management; Advanced Security Management; Criminal Justice Management; E-Marketing; Healthcare Administration; Higher Education Administration; Higher Education Teaching and Learning; HR Management; IT Management; Operations and Configuration Management; Project and Process Management, and Strategic Security Management.
Online Master of Management Overview
The online Management program provides you with the management skills and knowledge to manage teams in most any setting.
As a graduate, you’ll be ready to:
- Demonstrate well-developed problem-solving skills including the ability to recognize problems; analyze uncertain situations; interpret and use data and evidence in drawing conclusions; and implement the best solution.
- Integrate management and organizational principles, including human resources and marketing, to formulate sound decisions and predict likely outcomes.
- Demonstrate leadership through effective communication and use of technology to achieve project and organizational goals.
- Evaluate corporate social responsibility in the global business environment.
- Demonstrate collaboration and team building.
Online Master of Management Courses and Curriculum
The online Master of Management program consists of 10 courses and 45 credit hours. There are core courses as well as electives.
Management core courses include Introduction to Leadership and Quality; Accounting and Finance for Managers; Marketing and Sales Management; Managing Human Resources; International Management, and Strategy and Policy.
Master’s Major Core
31.5 credit hours
13.5 credit hours
Course availability is subject to minimum class size requirements.
Online Master of Management Specialties
The online Management program offers specialties, which are groupings of electives that focus on particular interests and career paths. Management specialties include:
- Advanced Incident and Consequence Management
- Advanced Security Management
- Criminal Justice Management
- E-Marketing
- Health Care Administration
- Higher Education Administration
- Higher Education Teaching and Learning
- Human Resource Management
- Information Technology Management
- Operations and Configuration Management
- Project and Process Management
- Strategic Security Management
Online Master of Management Thesis Options
The thesis is an essential component of master’s-level coursework. It represents an opportunity for you to examine a management topic, become an expert, and then contribute to that topic. You may earn the degree with or without an MBA thesis.
- Nonthesis option: You must satisfy all preparatory requirements and complete 31.5 hours of master’s-level core courses and 13.5 hours of electives.
- Thesis option: You complete 31.5 hours of master’s-level core courses, 4.5 hours of electives, and 9 hours of thesis.
Both thesis and nonthesis paths require a comprehensive assessment through the Strategy and Policy course. Here, you will learn to view business challenges from the perspective of senior-level management in order to develop, implement, and assess strategic planning options. You will also learn to develop creative responses to challenges and opportunities that your organization may face.
Prerequisite Requirements for the Online Master of Management
In order to qualify for the online Master of Management program, you must be proficient in the use of computers and application software. You can discuss your proficiency levels with admission advisors before you start the program.
Online Master of Management Tuition and Fees
Learn more about our graduate tuition schedule.
Online Master of Management Career Outcomes
The online Master of Management program gives you the background you need to take on leadership roles in any industry. Through coursework, you develop an understanding of business leadership, corporate responsibility, and communications.
- Sales team manager
- Production supervisor
- Business manager
- Facilities manager
- General manager
- Customer service manager
- Customer engagement manager
- Operations manager
- Project supervisor
- Human resources manager
- Marketing director
- Training manager
- Management consultant
- District manager
Who Is a Good Candidate for the Online Master of Management Program?
- Entry-level business professionals: The Master of Management program is a great fit if you’re a professional who wants to move up to a mid-level management role.
- Current business professional, manager or supervisor: The Master of Management is a perfect fit if you’re a mid-level professional who wants the graduate degree along with the knowledge and skills needed to both innovate and advance your operations to the next level, utilizing contemporary team-building, multi-communication platforms, and problem-solving techniques.
Course Listing
MT6255 Introduction to Leadership and Quality (Must be completed during the first term and prior to completing the other master’s courses)
FN6200 Accounting and Finance for Managers
MG6200 Marketing and Sales Management
MT6300 Managing Human Resources
MT6580 International Management
MT6651 Strategy and Policy
Choose One of the Below (Depending on Emphasis):
LA6100 Legal Environment for Global Organizations
LA6200 Legal and Regulatory Environment for Higher Education
LA6570 Human Resource Law
MM ELECTIVES (13.5 Credits)
Each student will work with his/her adviser to select 13.5 hours of elective credit that best match their professional interests. These electives can be selected from any master’s courses not included in the MM core courses, provided that the student meets any individual course prerequisites.
Students who select the thesis option must complete the following courses in place of the program electives:
MT6805 Master’s Thesis I
MT6810 Master’s Thesis II
MT6100 Research Methods
Specialty Courses
CJ6250 Management of Critical Incidents
PRO605 Advanced Consequence Management
SEC537 Crisis Negotiation
PRO605 Advanced Consequence Management
SEC505 Advanced Strategies and Crisis Preparedness
SEC530 Evidence and Crime Scene Management
CJ6100 Law and Public Policy (in place of the LA Core course)
CJ6200 Management Topics in Criminal Justice
CJ6250 Management of Critical Incidents
CJ6300 Criminal Justice Planning and Innovation
MG6600 Internet Marketing
MG6610 E-Commerce
MG6620 Social Media Marketing
HA6500 Fiscal and Regulatory Issues in Health Services
HA6510 Global Issues in Healthcare
HA6520 Healthcare Administration and Policy Seminar
Choose Three of the Below:
LA6570 Human Resource Law
MT6310 Training and Development in Human Resource Management
MT6320 Employee Evaluation and Compensation
MT6350 Strategic Human Resource Management
Choose Three of the Below:
CI6600 Computer Security
CI6605 Risk Assessment and Analysis
CI6610 Critical Infrastructure Control System Security
CI6615 Computer Forensics and Incident Handling
MT6611 Enterprise Process Management
MT6612 Optimize Enterprise Operations
MT6613 Operations and Supply Chain Management
MT6619 Project Management Essentials
MT6621 Intermediate Project Management
MT6622 Advanced Project Management
DSS720DC Strategic Security Information Literacy
DSS750DC Briefings, De-briefings and Presentations
DSS760DC Advanced Leadership and Management
Course availability is subject to minimum class size requirements.