Criminal Justice Bachelor’s Degree
Prepare for a career in the criminal justice field with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree from NAU Canada Online.
Criminal Justice Bachelor’s Program Overview
Criminal justice is a dynamic field, and our program and curriculum reflect that. You will cover a variety of relevant topics including investigation, private security, and conflict resolution. Learn valuable skills from industry professionals through online classes.
- Apply legal principles to the police, courts, and correctional components of the criminal justice system
- Apply ethical decision-making models and professional standards to criminal justice situations
- Utilize management and leadership skills to achieve organizational objectives
- Communicate orally and in writing in a law enforcement environment
- Integrate and apply substantive knowledge and analytical skills to criminal justice operations and issues
Criminal Justice Bachelor’s Degree Classes and Curriculum
The criminal justice bachelor’s degree program consists of three class requirements: major core, open electives, and general education core. These classes total 180 credits.
Criminal Justice Major Core
58.5 credits
Open Electives
60 credits
General Education Core
61.5 credits
Course availability is subject to minimum class size requirements.
Criminal Justice Program Specializations
The criminal justice bachelor’s program offers seven specialties, allowing you to choose your interests and career path.
- Forensic Investigations
- Homeland Security and Consequence Management
- Hospital Security
- Introduction to Private Security
- Juvenile Justice
- Private Security
- Security Operations
Criminal Justice Bachelor’s Degree Tuition and Fees
Learn more about our undergraduate tuition schedule.
Criminal Justice Degree Career Outcomes
The criminal justice online bachelor’s degree prepares you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities you’ll need for entry-level employment in policing, courts, or corrections, as well as for career advancement to supervisory and administrative levels. The B.S. in criminal justice serves as a foundation for such positions as police officer, deputy sheriff, state highway patrol officer, court clerk, court bailiff, correctional officer, probation officer, and parole officer, as well as various federal law enforcement positions. Additional training will be required for policing and institutional corrections employment.
In addition to being an entry-level employment requirement in various criminal justice agencies, a criminal justice B.S. is often criteria for higher-skilled employment, higher pay scales, and promotions.
Who Is a Good Candidate for the Criminal Justice Degree?
- Entry-level job seekers: The criminal justice online degree is a great first step if you want to start a new career in a criminal justice field. You receive the skills you need for entry-level employment, even without significant prior experience in criminal justice.
- Criminal justice professionals: Also, you are a great fit for this program if you already work in criminal justice but want to advance your career. Police officers, for example, can prepare for a career as a detective with a criminal justice online program.
Please Note:
Graphic images depicting violent crimes are utilized as teaching tools in various courses. Students should be prepared to view these images and to engage in discussions regarding these images as part of their required learning activities.
Individual agencies regulate the employment of individuals in the policing, courts, and corrections professions. Persons convicted of certain crimes may not serve in these positions. Please consult with the employer of interest to establish what regulations may exist.
Course Listing (180 Credits)
CJ1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ1500 Criminological Theory
CJ2100 Criminal Law
CJ2150 Professionalism and Ethics in Criminal Justice
CJ2280 Communication for the Criminal Justice Professional
CJ2300 U.S. Courts
CJ2400 U.S. Corrections
CJ3100 Criminal Investigation
CJ3400 Constitutional Law
CJ4900 Criminal Justice Capstone
CJ6100 Law and Public Policy OR
CJ3000+ CJ Elective
CJ6200 Management Topics in Criminal Justice OR
CJ3000+ CJ Elective
CJ6300 Criminal Justice Planning and Innovation OR
CJ3000+ CJ Elective
300+/3000+ Electives
INT300 Fundamentals of Intelligence
INT315 Open Source Research
INT320 Propaganda and Disinformation
INT379 History of Intelligence Part I
INT380 History of Intelligence Part II
INT390 Covert Action
INT400 Counterintelligence
INT401 Interrogation and Interviewing Techniques
INT440 Technical Surveillance
INT445 Operational Security
INT460 Clandestine and Secure Communication
INT476 Intelligence Collection
INT477 Collection Management
NUC350 Principles of Grand Strategy
NUC410 Weapons Systems
NUC415 Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Weapons
PHIL400 Ethics of Security and Counterterrorism
PRO375 History of Executive/Dignitary Protection
PRO380 Conflict Resolution
PRO385 Etiquette and Rapport
PRO398 Fundamentals of Threat Assessment
PRO405 Consequence Management
PRO422 Building Security
PRO430 Travel and Hospitals
PRO432 Principal’s Office and Residence
PRO433 Off-site Visits
PRO466 Advance Work
PRO494 Essentials of Executive Protection
PRO500DC Advanced Executive Protection
PRO595DC Advanced Protection Operations
PRO690DC Advanced Threat Assessment
SEC305 Offfensive v Defensive Security: Understanding the Broader Security Field
SEC320 Foundations of the Security Industry
SEC326 Foundations of Vehicular Security
SEC344 Protective Security Law
SEC366 Managing the Security Organization
SEC375 Workplace Violence, Workplace Security
SEC452 Infiltration Techniques
SEC486 Bomb Threat Management
SEC665DC Cyber Security
TCT306 Media and Terrorism
TCT310 Psychology of Violence
TCT390 Foundations of Terrorism
TCT395 Counterterrorism
TCT396 Terrorist
TCT410 Lone Wolf Terrorism
TCT420 Psychology of Fear
TCT425 Religious Extremism
TCT430 Ethno/Nationalist Terrorism
TCT435 Terrorist Support Networks
TCT440 Islamism and Terrorism
EN1150 Composition I
SC Science Electives
Humanities Electives
Behavioral/Social Science
Behavioral/Social Science Electives
EN1300 Composition II
EN2100 Speech OR
EN2150 Interpersonal Professional Communication
EN3050 Technical Communications
MA2000 Quantitative Reasoning
General Education
CS1201 Juggling College, Life, and Career: Set Up for Success! OR
CS1203 Bridge to Success: Creating your future at NAU
CS1301 Do the Numbers! Achieving College and Career Success
CS2086 Career Path Planning
Specialty Courses
Choose Six of the Below:
CJ2250 Introduction to Forensic Investigations
CJ3400 Constitutional Law
CJ3500 Forensic Photography (3 hours)
CJ4000 Psychology and the Law
CJ4200 Forensic Chemistry
CJ4400 Investigation of Sex Crimes
CJ4430 Computer Forensic Investigations
CJ2700 Cybercrime and Cyberterrorism in Criminal Justice
CJ3005 Gangs in America
CJ3030 Societal Influences: Hate Crimes and the Law
CJ3050 Loss Prevention, Crime Prevention, and Hospital Security
CJ4450 Security Operations Theory
CJ4500 Homeland Security and Terrorism
CJ4500 Homeland Security and Terrorism
PRO398 Fundamentals of Threat Assessment
PRO405 Consequence Management
SEC366 Managing the Security Organization
CJ3050 Loss Prevention, Crime Prevention, and Hospital Security
PRO380 Conflict Resolution
PRO430 Travel and Hospitals
Choose Six of the Below:
CJ2230 Diversity and Criminal Justice
CJ3000 Victimology
CJ3300 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
CJ3005 Gangs in America
CJ3700 Community Policing
PS1050 Introduction to Psychology
PS2000 Human Growth and Development
PS2100 Human Relations
PS3100 Abnormal Psychology
SO1050 Introduction to Sociology
SO2150 Child Growth and Development
CJ2240 Introduction to Private Security
SEC344 Protective Security Law
SEC366 Managing the Security Organization
SEC375 Workplace Violence, Workplace Security
CJ2240 Introduction to Private Security
Three (3) PRO or SEC designated courses
CJ4450 Security Operations Theory
PHIL400 Ethics of Security and Counterterrorism
PRO380 Conflict Resolution
Course availability is subject to minimum class size requirements.