Certificate in Consequence Modeling


This certificate provides students with advanced concepts and features concepts and basic skills of DTRA CBRNE hazard modeling in an integrated function-centric approach.  Students will learn the basic concepts of radiation, radio communications, radio frequency, propagation, and optic modeling tools.  Students will also get the basics skills to simulate and assess the effects of CBRN weapons strikes and incidents.  Students will apply learning within the context of modeling, mapping, visualization, and consequence assessment using DTRA hazard modeling and assessment tools to gain an understanding of using overlay hazard areas on maps or common operations pictures and may receive in a class room environment be exposed to incident commander’s CBRN decision-making.


Upon completion of this certificate, students will be able to do the following:

  • Apply knowledge of basic concepts of radiation, radio communications, radio frequency (RF), propagation, and optics modeling tools in a hands on training environment (ASSIST); OR apply comprehensive hazard or risk assessment process (GACA); OR simulate and assess the effects of CBRN weapon strikes and incidents (JEM)
  • Apply principles of research and evaluation to source materials, to identify, assess, and interpret them accurately
  • Construct consequence and contingency plans to meet both natural and man-made emergencies
  • Describe the future of the industry and the role that client protective services will play as threats increase
  • Synthesize and reflect upon knowledge gained upon certificate completion


DNWS CM130     Joint Effects Model Operator Course (JEM)
DNWS CM270     Advanced System Survivability Integrated Simulation Toolkit (ASSIST)
DNWS R021     Geospatial Intelligence for Consequence Assessment -Level 2 (GACA-2)

INT315     Open Source Research

PRO405     Consequence Management

SEC300     Certificate Portfolio

SEC320     Foundations of the Security Industry

Course availability is subject to minimum class size requirements.