Career Tips: Is your phone sending the right message?
When looking for a career, it’s important to remember that professionalism goes beyond your resume and the interview room. One important area many forget during the hiring process is the level of professionalism you present to future employers with your phone. This small detail could be giving employers the wrong message before you even answer.
NAU Starts Nursing Program in Albuquerque, New Mexico
National American University is excited to announce the addition of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program at the Albuquerque campus. The BSN program is a four-year, pre-licensure program preparing students with the knowledge and skills necessary for the vast field of nursing. The need for quality, skilled nurses continues to be on the rise, with a projected growth in opportunity for registered nurses of 26% by 2020[i].
READ MOREName the Maverick Contest Winners
And the winner is…Major the Maverick! Congratulations to Margaret Sena and Sharon Lemme for submitting the winning name! Read more about these Mavericks and their great ideas below.
Meet Margaret the Maverick
Margaret Sena
Albuquerque student
Student Spotlight: Johnnie Brewer, III
Johnnie Brewer, III
Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice
Spring 2012 Graduate-Denver
Kansas City Live Features NAU Paralegal Student
To learn more about NAU's paralegal program and why students are choosing NAU to complete their degree in paralegal studies, check out one of NAU's amazing student stories on Kansas City Live.
READ MORENever Give Up! – Tips from Mavericks on perseverance
One of the most amazing characteristics we have seen in our students here at NAU is their ability to persevere. Many of our students have met some difficult obstacles during their journey and faced times when they weren’t sure how they could keep going. But these amazing individuals have come out successful on the other end and can offer great advice for those of you on a similar journey. Here are some great tips and quotes from students and staff on ways to help you keep going and never give up.
READ MOREStudent Spotlight: Nicole Day
Meet Nicole Day
Pharmacy Technician student
Graduates in May 2013
Graduate Spotlight: Bernadette Fernandez
Billing Specialist
Diploma in Healthcare Coding
Fall 2011
Albuquerque West Graduate
Preparing for the Field
Preparing for the Field
With graduation just around the corner, many students are starting to think about life after college. Are you feeling prepared for that next step into your career? Whether you graduate in a few weeks or a year, here is some advice from NAU’s Career Services team that can help you start preparing for life after graduation.
Develop a strong resume
READ MOREGraduate Spotlight: Kevin Kumpf
Kevin Kumpf
2012 Graduate
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology emphasis Network Management/Microsoft