Certificate in Nuclear Weapons Operations and Policy


This certificate is an exploration of the biological effects of radiation and concepts of radiological response related to nuclear emergencies. Students will focus on basic nuclear physics, response processes and capabilities, radiation detection equipment, contamination processes and procedures and command and control.


Upon completion of this certificate, students will be able to do the following:

  • Explain and discuss nuclear weapon capabilities, and effects as well as U.S. nucle­ar policy, and joint nuclear doctrine (NW 305)
  • Explain and discuss evolution of U.S. nuclear weapons policy, nuclear deterrence theory, applications of nuclear weapons within the instruments of national policy, factors influencing policy, foreign nation nuclear weapons drivers, and proliferation concerns (NW 401)
  • Explain the strategic and tactical utility of each type of CBRN weapon in various kinds of conflict
  • Recognize the primary cause and dynamics of conflict and identify appropriate means of conflict resolution, mediation, negotiation, and basic diplomacy for a given situation
  • Synthesize and reflect upon knowledge gained upon certificate completion


DNWS NW305     Theater Nuclear Operations Course (TNOC)
DNWS NW401     Nuclear Policy (NUCPOL)

NUC350     Principles of Grand Strategy

NUC415     Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Weapons

PRO380     Conflict Resolution
300+     Strategic Security Elective

SEC300     Certificate Portfolio

Course availability is subject to minimum class size requirements.