Nuclear Enterprise Security Studies BS
The Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Enterprise Security Studies is earned by satisfactory completion of program equivalent to two years of full time upper division study. The Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Enterprise Security Studies program is designed for professionals within the Nation’s nuclear enterprise responsible for maintaining a safe, reliable, and credible nuclear deterrent and a robust incident response capability. The program increases the student’s knowledge of the fundamentals of security, deterrence policies, the nuclear enterprise, and nuclear and radiological event operations.
All courses are four and a half quarter units unless otherwise noted.
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of this degree-completion program will be able to do the following:
- NES-PLO B1: Assess information sources in the nuclear enterprise and strategic security domains.
- NES-PLO B2: Apply analytical, quantitative reasoning, and problem-solving skills to assess options for preventive, deterrent and response actions related to nuclear and radiological subjects,
- NES-PLO B3: Appraise issues of strategic security in the nuclear enterprise using critical thinking and nuclear and radiological subject matter expertise.
- NES-PLO B4: Demonstrate the ability to apply ethical and civic-minded approaches to challenges within the nuclear enterprise and strategic security environment.
- NES-PLO B5: Communicate clearly and effectively in a variety of mediums to nuclear enterprise stakeholders.
INT305 Advanced Critical Thinking and Logic
INT310 Fundamentals of Analysis
NUC350 Principles of Grand Strategy
NUC415 Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Weapons
PHIL400 Ethics of Security and Counterterrorism
PRO398 Fundamentals of Threat Assessment
PRO405 Consequence Management
SEC320 Foundations of the Security Industry
SEC340 Effective Writing for the Security Professional
SEC486 Bomb Threat Management
TCT390 Foundations of Terrorism
Choose any three courses (13.5 quarter units) from Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Defense Nuclear Weapons School (Agreement #11-043) selection below. DNWS Numbers do not equate to lower and upper division. All courses are 4.5 Quarter Units Upper Division unless otherwise noted:
DNWS CM101 Geospatial Intelligence for Consequence Assessment (GACA)
DNWS CM120 Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability Level 1 (HPAC-1)
DNWS CM130 Joint Effects Model Operator Course (JEM)
DNWS CM150 Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability Level 2-Chemical, Biological, Radiological (HPAC-2-CBR)
DNWS CM151 Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability Level 2-Nuclear (HPAC-2-N)
DNWS CM160 Integrated Munitions Effects Assessment- Level 1 (IMEA-1)
DNWS CM170 Vulnerability Assessment Protection Options Level 1 (VAPO-1)
DNWS CM180 Integrated Munitions Effects Assessment- Level 2-Conventional (IMEA-2-C)
DNWS CM181 Integrated Munitions Effects Assessment- Level 2-Nuclear (IMEA-2-N)
DNWS CM190 Vulnerability Assessment Protection Options Level 2 (VAPO-2)
DNWS CM260 Integrated Weapons of Mass Destruction Toolset-Consequence Assessment (IWMDT-CA)
DNWS CM270 Advanced System Survivability Integrated Simulation Toolkit (ASSIST)
DNWS CM04 Joint Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Planning Course (JCPC)
DNWS NR101 Nuclear Emergency Team Operations (NETOPS)
DNWS NR200 Applied Radiological Techniques Level 1 (ARRT-1)
DNWS NR201 Advanced Diagnostic Training (ADT-2)
DNWS NR250 Joint Nuclear Explosive Ordnance Disposal (JNEODC)
DNWS NR401 Applied Radiological Techniques Level 2 (ARRT-2)
DNWS NW110 Nuclear Weapons Orientation Course (NWOC)
DNWS NW120 Nuclear Weapons Technical Inspectors Course (NWTIC)
DNWS NW305 Theater Nuclear Operations Course (TNOC)
DNWS NW401 Nuclear Policy (NUCPOL)
DNWS R021 Geospatial Intelligence for Consequence Assessment -Level 2 (GACA-2)
CI3710 Internet Security
CI3715 Cybercrime and Information Systems
CI3725 Network Security
CJ2240 Intro to Private Security
CJ2700 Cybercrime in Criminal Justice
CJ3005 Gangs in America
CJ3020 Serial Killers and the Law
CJ3030 Hate Crimes and the Law
CJ3050 Loss Prevention
CJ3400 Constitutional Law
CJ4000 Psychology and the Law
CJ4450 Security Operations Theory
CJ4500 Homeland Security and Terrorism
INT300 Introduction to Intelligence
INT315 Open Source Research
INT320 Propaganda and Disinformation
INT379 History of Intelligence Pt 1
INT380 History of Intelligence Pt 2
INT390 Covert Action
INT400 Counterintelligence
INT401 Interrogation and Interviewing Techniques
INT440 Technical Surveillance
INT445 Operational Security
INT460 Clandestine and Secure Communications
INT476 Intelligence Collection
INT477 Collection Management
NUC410 Weapons Systems
OL4100 Organizational Culture and Leadership
OL4300 Organizational Development and Change
PRO375 History of Executive-Dignitary Protection
PRO380 Conflict Resolution
PRO385 Etiquette and Rapport
PRO405 Consequence Management
PRO422 Building Security
PRO432 Principal’s Office and Residence
PRO433 Off-Site Visits
PRO466 Advance Work
PRO494 Essentials of Executive Protection
PRO500DC Advanced Executive Protection
PRO595DC Advanced Protection Operations
PRO690DC Advanced Threat Assessment
SEC305 Offensive versus Defensive Security
SEC344 Protective Security Law
SEC360 Information Security
SEC366 Managing the Security Organization
SEC375 Workplace Violence, Workplace Security
SEC452 Infiltration Techniques
SEC665DC Cybersecurity
TCT306 Media and Terrorism
TCT310 Psychology of Violence
TCT395 Counterterrorism
TCT396 Terrorist Techniques
TCT410 Lone Wolf Terrorism
TCT425 Religious Extremism
TCT430 Ethno/Nationalist Terrorism
TCT435 Terrorist Support Networks
TCT440 Islamism and Terrorism
EN1150 Composition I
EN1300 Composition II
EN2100 Speech OR
EN2150 Interpersonal Professional Communication
MA1500 Intermediate Algebra
MA2050 College Algebra
Humanities Electives
Behavioral/Social Science
Behavioral/Social Science
Behavioral/Social Science Electives
SC1300 Physical Science
General Education
CS1201 Juggling College, Life, and Career: Set Up for Success!
CS1203 Bridge to Success: Creating Your Future at NAU
CS1301 Do the Numbers! Achieving College and Career Success
CS2086 Career Path Planning OR
SEC105 The Foundation, Functions, and Future of Strategic Security or Equivalent
Gen ED or Open Electives
Course availability is subject to minimum class size requirements.