Why Is the Aviation Industry So Important?


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Thanks to the aviation industry, you can hop on a plane and experience a completely different culture in a matter of hours. It’s why you probably saw an uptick in doorstep deliveries during the pandemic. A couple of clicks on a Tuesday and by Thursday—or even sooner—your shopping urges were swiftly satisfied. And what it does for you, it does for businesses the world over that need parts and supplies.

Aviation connects people, cultures, and businesses across every continent. It generates economic growth, facilitates international trade, and promotes tourism. With more than 1,300 airlines, that operate 31,717 aircraft at 3,759 airports, it’s hard to overstate the impact of the aviation industry.

Aviation Creates Jobs

Aviation is a powerhouse industry that supports $3.5 trillion of the world’s GDP and is expected to reach $775 billion in 2021. It employs more than 65 million people. In addition to pilots, stewards, luggage handlers, control tower engineers, mechanics, and all those people who design and manufacture the planes, there are people running the show. Aviation managers help run airlines, airports, freight and cargo companies, and more.

Aviation Professionals Provide Protection

The U.S. has the largest Air Force in the world with 13,500 aircraft. The Air Force protects our air space from foreign enemies and is responsible for bringing us many new technologies in aviation and communications. Air Force planes also transport equipment and supplies to U.S. bases located in hot spots around the world. Many of our commercial airline pilots receive their training and experience while serving in the Air force.

Aviation Transports Freight

The aviation industry transports all kinds of freight throughout the world. In 2018 alone, 6.8 trillion worth of goods were transported internationally by air and some 90 percent of e-commerce orders are carried by air. This is expected to grow to 96 percent by 2025.1 And that doesn’t include your daily mail!

Aviation Industry Supports Tourism

Before the pandemic, more than 1 billion tourists crossed international borders every year, and over half of them travelled to their destination by air. With travel, you’re introduced to different languages, customs, religions, and historical sites, all of which encourages cultural understanding and tolerance.

Aviation Provides Health and Humanitarian Aid

Whenever there is a natural disaster, famine or war, it is through the aviation industry that food, supplies, and personnel reach those in need. If an airplane can’t reach a destination, a helicopter usually can. Those helicopters also help save lives with medical transport that can pick up a patient anywhere and quickly bring them to the nearest hospital. And specially equipped planes also help put out forest fires and protect our crops by applying fertilizers and pesticides.

Aviation Professionals Use Drone Technology

Drones are one of the more recent technologies invented by the aviation industry. Companies use drones for photography, security, advertising, land surveys and ocean monitoring. There are even plans to have some deliveries happen by drone.


If you look to the skies with passion but would like a career on the ground, Aviation Management might be right for you. At National American University, we offer an online Bachelor’s degree in Aviation Management that will help prepare you for a rewarding career. Do you already have some experience or a certificate in an aviation-related field? You may be able to transfer those credits to your degree program so you can save time as well as money. Call 855-210-5641 to speak to a counselor today.


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